Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Having a Psychic helps!

I have been going to a psychic for about 2 years and it's been the best thing ever. My psychic is 81 years old and the sweetest person I've ever met.  I knew a friend that used her for years before I started  and that friend seemed to have all the luck.  
I finally got my invite and she has been instrumental in my learning to trust my own intuition.  She told me I met my husband 9 days after I met him.  Warned me about things in work. How to give bad news the best.  She helps me to avoid drama and predict baby's.  She knows about those babies.  
She has been repeatedly on TV making amazingly right predictions.  I think everyone needs someone that can tap into their energy and help them make tough dicisions decisively. 

So how does it work?
 First, I get my palm read. Next, is the tarot cards. Finally, I make a wish and there are 3 piles of different tarot cards, these are numbered cards, the top 3 cards make my lucky numbers, each pile represents a situation, pick the situation I like most and then find out when the wish will come true.  After all that she answers specific questions.  

I have been teased by some people that think she is fake, a witch, or demonic of some sort.  This is not my religion in any way!  I know she does consider this her religion or consider herself Wiccan or pagan.  I think she could be considered a therapist.  I've never had someone talk about going to therapy and have people say, "Your therapist is fake." If it's helping then negative opinions should be kept quiet.  

The last comment I get often is I'm crazy for believing in psychics.  I guess the best part about being crazy is you never know. So we have to go with ignorance is bliss on this one. 

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