Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lent for 2010

I don't know what to give up this year.  I don't wanna set myself up for failure and I am not really into going to church so why do it.... I wanted to give up wine but I wanna drink on the ski trip and that is in a week. ie. failure.  I want to give up food... I know that is bad but how skinny could I get if I ate one day a week on sunday. I'm only half kidding! lol  What could it be.... profanity and sex were 2 very good suggestions Sex I don't really have so that is not really a stretch and i am not really cussing on purpose when I do its not something I think I can control all the time. hummm... Profanity... ie failure again..... I don't think I can do it this year.

Last year I gave up pork! I had no idea how much pork I ate. OMG everything taste better with bacon. I was successful and now i rarely eat pork.  Its like I was cured of my love of the nasty swine.  I love Wine I don't wanna be cured of my love of it.  Its such a new love affair as it is.

Happy Ash Wednesday 

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